How alternative credit scoring models are unlocking access to finance

How alternative credit scoring models are unlocking access to finance

In today’s financial landscape, responsible access to credit can be a powerful enabler of economic mobility and wealth creation. Yet, millions of individuals and businesses remain excluded due to onerous processes and traditional credit scoring models that prioritise traditional credit history, formal employment, and banking relationships – factors that don’t reflect the realities of emerging […]

An introduction to Airtime Credit Services (ACS)

An introduction to Airtime Credit Services (ACS)

In our latest series, ‘An introduction to’, we’re lifting the lid on the products that are powering access to credit across emerging markets. Today, Airtime Credit Services (ACS). ‍ Help your customers to keep the conversation going — even with low to no balance. Airtime Credit Services (ACS) provides easy and convenient access to telecommunications […]

An introduction to our product portfolio

An introduction to our product portfolio

Explore our full range of products, how they work, and which solution is the right one for you and your customers. Today, Ezra helps individuals and small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in more than 24 countries access fast, simple, and responsible credit solutions. From cash to merchant loans, we are on a mission to design, develop, and […]

An introduction to Cash Loans

An introduction to Cash Loans

In our latest series, ‘An introduction to’, we’re lifting the lid on the products that are powering access to credit across emerging markets. Today, cash loans. If you have yet to integrate lending products into your suite, cash loans are an ideal first step. But what do they do? How can they empower your customers, […]

Ezra: Innovative credit solutions for a more inclusive world

Ezra: Innovative credit solutions for a more inclusive world

You may have come across Ezra before — and you may even have seen our products in action, without realising it. But what is Ezra? How do our products work? And why? Read on to find out more. Who we are Ezra is a leading microlending fintech which provides B2B credit solutions for financial institutions […]

Financial regulation in Africa: Challenges and solutions

Financial regulation in Africa: Challenges and solutions

In any economy, a strong regulatory framework is essential for financial protection, inclusion, and growth. But across a continent as diverse and complex as Africa, where many individuals remain financially underserved and underbanked, what role does financial regulation play — especially when it comes to digital credit lending? And what can be done to improve […]

Ezra and Mobile Money Operators

Ezra and Mobile Money Operators

Across the world, Mobile Money Operators and their customers are benefiting from Ezra’s easy, rapid, and robust lending solutions. Read on to learn more about what makes Ezra’s approach unique, and how our fully customisable products can help your brand to grow, and provide access to credit for more customers than ever before. What is […]

Alternative data: A new era for credit lending

Alternative data: A new era for credit lending

Alternative data has the potential to propel global financial inclusion even further forward. But what is it? How does it work? And what does it mean for the future of credit access in emerging and developing markets? Alternative vs. traditional data Alternative data is changing the face of lending across the world. It is opening […]

Leveling up the global economy: Why credit lending matters for financial inclusion

Leveling up the global economy: Why credit lending matters for financial inclusion

We all require access to affordable, useful financial products and services. This, in essence, is the core purpose of financial inclusion — to ensure that access to financial services is not a barrier to economic development. However, despite services such as mobile money driving an increase in global account ownership, millions of people still lack […]

Economic downturns: The importance of credit, and how Ezra can help

Economic downturns: The importance of credit, and how Ezra can help

As the threat of global recession lingers on the horizon, what role can lending providers play in easing economic pain — and even turning the tide — particularly in developing markets? Read on to learn how Ezra’s approach to credit solutions is helping financial service providers and their consumers during these challenging times. Economic downturn: […]

How to make Africa’s mobile money boom work for your business

How to make Africa’s mobile money boom work for your business

In many emerging markets, mobile money has become the most popular method for conducting financial transactions. Africa leads this trend, with mobile money playing a significant role in shaping economies across the continent. In this article we explore the continued rise of mobile money in Africa, and examine its impact on the region — as […]

Ezra — Supporting partners to increase financial inclusion across the world

Ezra — Supporting partners to increase financial inclusion across the world

For too long, financial credit services have been inaccessible and overcomplicated, especially for people living in underbanked and financially underserved countries. Ezra has created a solution that provides businesses across the world with the ability to offer their customers simple, easy and rapid access to loans as well as other solutions, such as working capital […]

The importance of AI and machine learning in credit lending

The importance of AI and machine learning in credit lending

From facial recognition to fraud detection, artificial intelligence (AI) is enabling service providers and institutions across the world to speed up complex processes, mitigate risk, and transform how we live, work, and manage our money. Like fintech itself, AI is the smart solution to the complex problems which affect end users across the world. AI […]

Financial inclusion: How credit scoring can help level the playing field

Financial inclusion: How credit scoring can help level the playing field

Digital technology is powering a more interconnected world. However, lack of access to credit solutions remains a pressing issue for many, particularly those in financially underserved and excluded regions. But what can be done to address this imbalance? In this article, we explore how Ezra is empowering its partners to provide financial freedom to more […]

Five reasons why Ezra is your credit solution gamechanger

Five reasons why Ezra is your credit solution gamechanger

In the current economic climate, selecting the right credit solution partner is especially important. The potential financial uncertainties and challenges that lie ahead require a strategic partnership that may cushion — or even stem — the impact of any economic downturns, or other adverse financial consequences. So, how can you be sure that you’re investing […]